Search Process

Search Process to Secure Quality CandidatesWe've developed a rigorous and thorough process that maximizes effectiveness from the initial client contact through a job offer to the best candidate.

Step 1: Needs Assessment & Analysis

  • We meet with the client to better understand the organization and its culture, the scope of the position and the critical "fit" issues.
  • We construct the ideal candidate profile.

Step 2: Search Research

  • Armed with a comprehensive understanding of the position and client needs, we identify those organizations most likely to employ appropriate candidates and develop a database of specific targeted individuals.

Step 3: Recruit Targeted Candidates

  • We present the position to targeted candidates, ascertain interest level and obtain their feedback.

Step 4: Screen and Evaluate Candidates

  • In-depth discussions are held with each candidate to clarify the individual's background, credentials, and performance history.
  • Each potential candidate is carefully evaluated for a personality fit with the organization using a rigorous screening process.
  • We provide the client with a written assessment of each candidate we recommend for first interview.
  • After the first interview, we review the client's evaluation of the candidate and if necessary any recommendations for alterations to the candidate profile.

Step 5: Facilitate Job Offers

  • Once a final candidate has been selected, we work with the client to develop a compensation package that meets the needs of both the client and the candidate.
  • We work with the client and candidate throughout the negotiations, recommending any changes to an offer that will facilitate acceptance by the candidate.
  • We will prepare the candidate for their resignation and suggest recommendations on how to respond to current employer's counter offer.